Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Ipecac's main signs
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Influenza symptoms
Influenza symptoms
It has often been seen that some peoples vital force is so weak. When someone is sneezing near them they consider it safe, to leave that place, otherwise they also start is sneezing and then the attack of cold comes on them like a sudden attack. |
Life become miserable for such sensitive peoples, they run away from people suffering from cold and flu.
I still remember when I was graduating my high school teacher was suffering from a disorder. If a student sneezed in her class she would say, "you should leave until the sneeze is over".
Similarly, I have a neighbour who had announce to her visitors that, "if any member or of her family is suffering from a cold his entry will be blocked in my house".Such person suffers from the weakness of their vital Force for such peoples
Homeopathic medicine for influenzium
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Uric acid symptom, treatment
Uric acid symptoms, treatment and homoeo remedy's
Food contain high level of purines
Unhealthy Life style
Things to do
Take clean water according to the season. Drink at least six to seven glasses of water daily Use lemons, grapefruit, vinegar, celery, broccoli, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, bananas, grapes, melons, watermelons, pomegranates, and other fresh vegetables and salads.
Homeopathic medicine for uric acid
It is useful in patients suffering from dysentery and colic pains.Also, touching and moving the affected parts increases the pain.
Berberis vulgaris:
Abdominal and scrotal pains are accompanied by difficulty urinating. Pains radiate from a center to all sides. This medicine also improves kidney function.
All symptoms of this drug are aggravated by motion Arthralgia s are worse by touch and motion like ckalchicum.there is more dryness and thirst in bryonia There are stabbing pains in the joints.
Urticaria Uranus :
Is beneficial in hyperuricemia, sometimes without symptoms. if secreted along with uric acid, it corrects both.
Led um :
Swelling and dullness of the joints read from the bottom up. The pains are worse at night and from the warmth of the bed.
Symptoms start on the right side and move to the left side An excess of rheumatism and renal problems and symptoms occurring between 4 pm and 8 pm are sufficient for the selection of Lycopodium.
I hope this blog post of mine on uric acid will be useful and informative for people and the homeopathic remedies for uric acid that I have mentioned in my blog. It will increase your knowledge about homeopathic medicines.
Main symptoms of Euphrasia
Main symptoms of Euphrasia
Eupatorium perf key symptoms
Main symptoms of Eupatorium perf
* This medicine is especially suitable for old people with narcotic tired bodies and for patients suffering from bilious and bilious fever. |
* Pain in the whole body, and bone pain is the speciality of this medicine.
* Severe throbbing pain in the bones of the back chest and legs and especially in the wrists.
* Painful sensation of iBall in colds.
* Getting into pain quickly.
* Vertigo with sensation of falling to the left side.
* Feeling cold in fever at 9 o'clock in the morning on the first day and in the afternoon on the second day.
* Severe bone pain during cold.
* Chills and vomiting from drinking water.
* Unquisible thirst.
* Malaria and influenza.
* Gastro intestinal and liver complaints as well as mucus membrane.
* Complaints of the respiratory tract.
* Headache every 7th day.
* Hey water Like diarrhoea and hiccups.
* Cough, cold and sneezing with chest tightness.
* Convulsions in chest and head from chronic phlegmatic cough.
* degenerative arthritis of the joints.
* patients with excessive anxiety could not remain calm.
* Nausea from the smell and sight of food.
* Desire to eat ice cream.
* Bile vomiting.
* Thirst for Cold water.
* Dengue fever.
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Chamomilla's key symptom
Key symptoms of chamomilla
* The symbolic validity of this medicine is that it is never failed till date. |
* This medicine is not at all suitable for cold minded, gentle , civilized ,and the people of moderate temperament.
* Since these properties are not present in childrens, so this medicine is useful in most of their diseases.
* If the child is irritable, short quarrelsome, obstinate and intolerant, this medicine is very successful in his diseases.
* A typical symptoms is greenish foul- smelling diarrhoea,of milk drinking childrens especially during teaching.
* Tetanus during teaching.
* Children's earache.
* Sweat on head in high fever.
* One cheek is red and warm and the other one is cold and yellow.
* Baby specified by swinging on lap.
* Intolerance and sensitivity to pain.
* Toothache aggravated by hot drink.
* Dark coloured blood from the uterus and labour like pains.
* Rawness and sore throat with cough.
* Burning of souls of feet's at night.
* Severe reheumatic pains at night.
* Abdominal bloating and cramping.
* Tolerable nerve pain is it's characteristic symptom.
If the disease or petient is stubborn,then chamomilla is necessary for it. This drug does not work well in very low potential Honey man recommended 12th acts and above.
Monday, September 4, 2023
Key symptoms of arnica
Arnica Montana* It is the most popular medicine of homeopathic materia medica. |
Important note:
It is an elixir for injury, pregnancy, typhoid, surgery,eyes and Arthritis.
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Aconitum nap main symptoms
Aconitum nap |
* Mental and physical restlessness.
* Distress with severe and sudden fever.
* Complaints arising from Cold,dry air or from severe hot weather.
* Arterial congestion.
* Influenza.
* Fear during pregnancy.
* Too much fear and anxiety.
* Fear of death.
* Fear of future.
* Eyes dry,red and swelled.
* Eyelids are red and have pain with swellings.
* Sensitive to noise.
* Pain at the route of nose.
* Sharp sensations.
* Dry makers membranes.
* Blocked nose.
* Dry nose or with slightly runny nose.
* From standing up the red face turns pale.
* One cheek is red and the other cheek is dull.
* Nerve pain in the left side of face with restlessness and numbness.
* Dry mouth.
* Gums in flamed and white coating on tongue.
* Dry throat.
* Vomiting with profuse perspiration and profuse urine accompanying with fear.
* Bitter test of everything except water.
* Intense thirst.
* Colic no crotch relief.
* Menstruation oppressed from Cold or fear.
* Dry cough with crackling sound.
* Shortness of breath at night especially on midnight.
* Palpitation.
* Left shoulder pain.
* Spasm with anxiety and with tingling in fingers.
* Abdomen sensitive touch.
* Faeces with twisting, like pasted vegetables.
* Urine a little red, hot and painful, uneasiness.
* Groaning obstruction of urine.
* Pulse is full stiff.
* Tingling in hands and feet with
numbness and pain.
* Hands hot feet's cold.
* There are anxious dreams.
* Millet like Rush.
* In fever found cold waves.
* Thirst and anxiety in every situation.
Important note:
Saturday, September 2, 2023
Key symptoms of bryonia Alba
Key symptoms of homoeo medicine bryonia alba
The first three words,
* "increase by movement"
The second three words,
* "relief by pressing "
I prefer here to add another word,
* "Dryness"
* A potency of 1,000 (1M) give a good result in backache. It is also effective in back pain from waste to back.
* Dryness of the mucus membrane of the lungs (due to the transfer of mucus to the mucus membranes).
* Thrust due to pleurisy.
* Stomach dryness.
* Constipation due to dryness of the intestines and rectum are the main symptoms.
* Talking about the routine of the day in dreams at night.
* Desire for things that cannot be obtained.
* Feeling of sinking in bed.
* When getting up from bed or motion, vertigo and headache.
* And same feelings occurs when ironing, cold water on the hot face.
* Headache from constipation.
* Toothache throbbing from one to the other in the head and cheeks.
* Inflammation of the stomach and bowls.
* Stool dark, hard and burn like.
* Like the initial condition of a mammary abscess.
* Asthma and sibilant cough and throbbing pain in the chest.
* Foot and knee joint pain with swelling.
* Measles or other rashes.
* Cough or other disorders.
Important note:
Friday, September 1, 2023
Belladonna,s basic sign
Belladonna main symptoms
* The intensity of fever and other symptoms is it's characteristics.
* It is closely related the blood,heart,lungs and brain especially to the vascular system and nervous system.
* Dilated pupils, intolerance of the sun to the eyes,severe fatigue,hot head, tremors during sleep, violent pain in the forehead and temples and red fever.
* Severe delirium in the glands of the neck and the close connection with the round tissues is the characteristics of Belladonna.
* Fits of laughter.
* Hearing power is increases and riotous dreams and illusion prominent.
* We can remember Belladonna from the word ... BIRDS .... as
B for Burning
I for Inflammation
R for Redness
D for Delirium
S for spasm
Casticum homeopathic medicine uses
Our topic of the day is casticum Drug Name:- casticum Source:- Potassium Group (Family):- Minerals Miasm:- So...