Sunday, September 10, 2023

Influenza symptoms

        Influenza symptoms

It has often been seen that some peoples vital force is so weak. When someone is sneezing near them they consider it safe, to leave that place, otherwise they also start is sneezing and then the attack of cold comes on them like a sudden attack.

Life become miserable for such sensitive peoples, they run away from people suffering from cold and flu.
I still remember when I was graduating my high school teacher was suffering from a disorder. If a student sneezed in her class she would say, "you should leave until the sneeze is over".
Similarly, I have a neighbour who had announce to her visitors that, "if any member or of her family is suffering from a cold his entry will be blocked in my house".Such person suffers from the weakness of their vital Force for such peoples

Homeopathic medicine for influenzium

Homeopathic medicine influenza proves to be very effective one dose of influence I'm 1 m is able to overcome this disorder by the grace of God.
If you do not feel relief within half an hour you can take another dose
A part from this it is also effective in fever cold body breakdown and headache.

The strange advantage of this medicine is that photos who have taken flu shots and those shorts are not having enough effect on them, then daily use with influenzium has proved to be very useful. This is how the flu vaccine start to work on them.
Influenzium is a very reliable remedy for winters flu.
But every homeopathic medicine should be used on the advice of your family doctor and self medication should always be avoided.

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