Showing posts with label homeopathic medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeopathic medicine. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Casticum homeopathic medicine uses

 Our topic of the day is 


Drug Name:- casticum 

Source:- Potassium

Group (Family):- Minerals

Miasm:- Sora

Temperament:- Cold (but cold, hot and humid i.e. humid weather is also unbearable).

Thirst:- Excessive (drink cold water in case of nausea and cough).

Side:- Right (affects right side)

Basic/special symptoms

   Mind :-

  Fear that something will not happen, worry, sadness, depression, anxiety


    Emotional ، Social workers do not like

 in justice.


Paralysis, or paralysis-like pains, especially in the back and neck, muscle spasms

Throat Throat Respiratory:-

Burning sensation in the throat, dry cough, hoarseness of voice, paralysis of the throat and tongue, colds in every season,

urinary bladder   :-

Urination frequent, uncontrollable, dribbling with burning pains and burning, coughing on walking and voiding at night.


Itching, burning and itching


in the heat, from the heat, 

 by walking slowly

to increase:- 

In cold humid weather, at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning or in the evening

Specific symptoms.

* Burning, rawness, and stinging are typical symptoms of casticum.

* The inner part of the cheeks should come under the teeth while eating

* It is a medicine for patients with dark complexion

* Paralysis of a small part.

For example. Hands, feet, face. Eyelids Paralysis of legs. etc.

* Thinking about pain increases pain.

* Tearing and cramping pains.

* Works well in joint pain.

* Passage of urine during coughing.

* Urinary obstruction.

* Casticum works well if urination is stopped after the operation.

* Casticum causes irritation in joint pains.Muscles are not controlled. Muscles become numb. 

* Works well in warts in high potency. His patient menstruates only during the day.

It is a very important and profoundly effective medicine, its symptoms are unmistakably clear and distinct The following three disorders are characteristic of it. 

No. 1. Rheumatism 

No. 2. Arthritis 

No. 3. Paralysis

It is closely related to two systems. 

No. 01. Urinary system 

No. 02. Respiratory system

The following three characteristics of its suffering are 

No. 01. Irritation 

No. 02. Rawness 

No. 03. Pain۔

If a limb is paralyzed, it is effective.

 Paralysis of vocal organs. 

Paralysis of the face.

Paralysis of the tongue, 

paralysis of hands or feet, arms or legs.

 Paralysis of the bladder. 

This medicine works on both paralytic conditions of the bladder muscles. If they become loose, the urine starts leaking. Urine is expelled by coughing and sneezing; if strained, urine is blocked.

Coughing sound with chest pain or stoppage is caused by its circle effect.

Removes the effects of burning from fire۔ Very effective for bloody warts all over the body, especially on the tip of the nose and fingertips.

Very beneficial for all time pain in arms and legs

Useful for paralytic condition of uterus.

In women's Mensess found only during the day and leucorrhea at night۔

Generally associated with right sided but very useful for left sided shiatuca pain۔

Casticum baby starts walking late.

Differences in similar drugs:-

Casticum vs Sulphur:

In Casticum, symptoms of irritation, burning and sensitivity to heat and cold are the same, but the difference is in the mental symptoms.

Casticum vs Natrium mure :

Like Casticum, Natrium mure has depression, fear, sadness, but it is less than Casticum٫ and the main difference is that Casticum is a cold medicine and Natrium mure is a hot medicine.

Casticum vs Phosphorus:

Casticum, like Phosphorus, has more symptoms of cold-tempered fear, burning and coughing, but Phosphorus only feels cold with intensity. But casticum is excessive in all three seasons, similarly, a patient with phosphorus drinks cold water in winter and eats ice even when it is very cold in summer

I hope I have been able to cover Casticum fully in this blog۔thanks for reading my article about casticum homeo remedy.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Special signs of homeo remedies


To remember the medicine of Medica, when a medicine is read, its special signs should be marked.

Whether it has intensity, anger, softness, what are the special symptoms that make it recognizable.

For example

1. Nux Vomica:

Is the master mechanic for the stomach problems.

2. Lexus

Is the largest medicine for the left side of the body.

3. Lycopodium

  It is a great medicine for the right side of body.

4. Thuja.

It is the greatest medicine for psychosis and gourd.

5. Pulsatilla

 Tears are the main sign for this medicine  it is the  greatest remedy for depression and  mercy

6. Sepia

It is a big medicine for all uterus problems

7. Arsenicum

 greatest medicine for the cleanliness and organization . 

8. Arnica

 It is the greatest medicine for injury.

9. BryOnia

 The best medicine for pain that is more from movement and less from pressure.

10. Rustox

 The best medicine for pain that is more than rest and movement 

11. Hepar sulph

 The biggest medicine for the throat.

12. Apis mel

 The greatest medicine of jealousy.

13. Hyoscyamus 

   Is the greatest medicine of Shamelessness l.

14. Stramonium

 The greatest cure for insanity 

15. Sulphur

 It is the best medicine for negative thinking and irritation.

16. Cuprum

 is the greatest medicine for Tetanus 

17. Veratrum

 The greatest medicine of the diarrhea.

18. Colo synth

 The biggest medicine for stomach ache.

19. Natrium Sulph

The biggest remedy for the Malaria fever.

20. Epicock 

 The greatest remedy for vomiting.

21. Merck Sal

The greatest medicine for saliva dripping from the mouth.

22. Stafi segeria 

 The greatest medicine for shyness.

23. Nitric acid

 The greatest medicine of revenge.

24. Medorhinum 

 The greatest medicine for gonorrhea.

25. Berberis vulgaris

The greatest medicine of the left kidney.

26. Causticum 

  is the greatest medicine for Compassion .

27. Zinc

The greatest cure for cowardice.

28. Camphor

 is the greatest medicine of Cholera.


 The greatest cure and healing for disappointed peoples.

30. Igneshia 

 The greatest medicine of grief.

31. Aconite

 It is the best medicine for fever, it is also called homeopathic emergency medicine.

32. Belladonna

 The greatest remedy for tonsils.

33. Podophyllum

The best remedy for such sore throats that are more severe in the morning...

34. Dalcamara

 The greatest remedy for humid weather.

35. Borax

 The greatest remedy for stool coming after listening  bad news.

36. Psychota virusa

The greatest remedy for the desire to eat indigestible things.

37. Magnesia phos

it's greatest medicine  of a pain that is more than cold and less than  heating.

40. Sufflinum

 The greatest of syphilis

 All the senior doctors would have achieved these main functions of  the medicines by hard work and regular study.

I hope that it will be helpful for you.tnanks.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Influenza symptoms

        Influenza symptoms

It has often been seen that some peoples vital force is so weak. When someone is sneezing near them they consider it safe, to leave that place, otherwise they also start is sneezing and then the attack of cold comes on them like a sudden attack.

Life become miserable for such sensitive peoples, they run away from people suffering from cold and flu.
I still remember when I was graduating my high school teacher was suffering from a disorder. If a student sneezed in her class she would say, "you should leave until the sneeze is over".
Similarly, I have a neighbour who had announce to her visitors that, "if any member or of her family is suffering from a cold his entry will be blocked in my house".Such person suffers from the weakness of their vital Force for such peoples

Homeopathic medicine for influenzium

Homeopathic medicine influenza proves to be very effective one dose of influence I'm 1 m is able to overcome this disorder by the grace of God.
If you do not feel relief within half an hour you can take another dose
A part from this it is also effective in fever cold body breakdown and headache.

The strange advantage of this medicine is that photos who have taken flu shots and those shorts are not having enough effect on them, then daily use with influenzium has proved to be very useful. This is how the flu vaccine start to work on them.
Influenzium is a very reliable remedy for winters flu.
But every homeopathic medicine should be used on the advice of your family doctor and self medication should always be avoided.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Uric acid symptom, treatment

Uric acid symptoms, treatment and homoeo remedy's

Today our discussion is about Uric acid.What is uric acid, why does it occur, which foods are good and which are bad, what is the useful remedy in homeopathy for it.
If the chemical substance called urea is found in the food, if they are consumed in excess and lead a comfortable life, the natural waste substances uric acid is added to the blood.
An excess of uric acid is usually manifested in the form of severe pain in the rings of the feet. Actually, uric acid is a substance produced during the digestion of purines in food.
It is excreted by the kidneys, and if the amount in the blood exceeds 7 mg the body will suffer, especially joints.
Accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints causes pain and can also affect the knees and heart

Food contain high level of purines

Dry beans, peas, beans, red meat, kidney beans, nuts, lentils, and other foods that contain yeast, such as yeast bread, are high in purine.
Apart from these, other market foods when used in excess for a long time, the health starts to deteriorate, especially if walking is not a regular exercise or sports, then the situation becomes worse.
Less consumption of water is also a cause of this disease, thus, more consumption of cold drinks is very harmful.
As I have already mentioned that the main reason for the increase of uric acid is convenience and consumption of street foods.

Unhealthy Life style

If we look at our routine life, we are generally prone to convenience, even if the distance is short, most people do not walk, they use motorbikes and cars instead of bicycle,Although cycling can be a means of preventing many diseases.Women also don't work as hard as they used to in housework. Excessive use of mobile phones seems to be making life easier, but it is damaging physical health.Remember, when you are over 40 years of age, it is important to make major changes in your diet and other aspects of life.Other causes include eating too much meat, stress, chronic diseases, obesity and poor kidney function.
Purine is also formed by the breakdown of cells in our body. It is normal to have uric acid in the blood, but if its level starts to be high, it can raise blood pressure and cause type 2 diabetes.

Things to do 

Take clean water according to the season. Drink at least six to seven glasses of water daily Use lemons, grapefruit, vinegar, celery, broccoli, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, bananas, grapes, melons, watermelons, pomegranates, and other fresh vegetables and salads.

Women and men who are obese should pay more attention to losing weight. If the pain increases by sitting and walking, understand that more uric acid is accumulating in the body.
Therefore, along with being cautious in the atmosphere, we should improve our lifestyle.
Uric acid goes undetected at first. Joints and internal organs are damaged. Fingers, knees, and joints experience redness, pain, and painful swelling.
Ignoring uric acid for too long can be dangerous

Homeopathic medicine for uric acid

Now we come to homeopathic medicines which are mostly used in this disease.


 It is useful in patients suffering from dysentery and colic pains.Also, touching and moving the affected parts increases the pain.

Berberis vulgaris: 

Abdominal and scrotal pains are accompanied by difficulty urinating. Pains radiate from a center to all sides. This medicine also improves kidney function.


All symptoms of this drug are aggravated by motion Arthralgia s are worse by touch and motion like ckalchicum.there is more dryness and thirst in bryonia There are stabbing pains in the joints.

Urticaria Uranus :  

Is beneficial in hyperuricemia, sometimes without symptoms. if secreted along with uric acid, it corrects both.

Led um :

 Swelling and dullness of the joints read from the bottom up. The pains are worse at night and from the warmth of the bed.


Symptoms start on the right side and move to the left side An excess of rheumatism and renal problems and symptoms occurring between 4 pm and 8 pm are sufficient for the selection of Lycopodium.

I hope this blog post of mine on uric acid will be useful and informative for people and the homeopathic remedies for uric acid that I have mentioned in my blog. It will increase your knowledge about homeopathic medicines.

Casticum homeopathic medicine uses

 Our topic of the day is                          casticum   Drug Name:-  casticum  Source:- Potassium Group (Family):- Minerals Miasm:- So...