Thursday, September 7, 2023

Main symptoms of Euphrasia

 Main symptoms of Euphrasia

*   Some people call this medicine as eye fresh, because the eye symptoms in IT are more clear and permanent then any medicine.

*   This medicine is very beneficial in severe internal itching of the eye

*   This medicine is very beneficial in inflammation of these inner membrane of the eyelets when there is a lot of tears.

*   Excellent for reheumatic conditions of the mucus membrane of the eye and nose.

*   Simple discharge from the nose and acrid discharge from the eyes.

*   Conjunctivitis.

*   Tears in the eyes all the time.
*   Irritation and swelling of the eyelets and discharge of a purulent secretion.

*   A small boil on the cornea.

*    Blurry.

*   Rheumatic Inflammation of the iris.

*   Paralytic drooping of the upper eyelid.

*   Vitrification and constipation.

*   Menstruation with eye pain.

*   Menstruation only one day or 1 hour.

*   Painful menstruation.

*   Inflammation of the prostate.

*   Influenza like inflammation of the respiratory system.

*   Cough with whooping sound during the daytime.

*   A Sore on the right side of the nose.

Otherwise this medicine is the rivers of Elim Cepa, in the case of rapid discharge from the eyes.

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