Uric acid symptoms, treatment and homoeo remedy's
Today our discussion is about Uric acid.What is uric acid, why does it occur, which foods are good and which are bad, what is the useful remedy in homeopathy for it.
If the chemical substance called urea is found in the food, if they are consumed in excess and lead a comfortable life, the natural waste substances uric acid is added to the blood.
An excess of uric acid is usually manifested in the form of severe pain in the rings of the feet. Actually, uric acid is a substance produced during the digestion of purines in food.
It is excreted by the kidneys, and if the amount in the blood exceeds 7 mg the body will suffer, especially joints.
Accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints causes pain and can also affect the knees and heart
Food contain high level of purines
Dry beans, peas, beans, red meat, kidney beans, nuts, lentils, and other foods that contain yeast, such as yeast bread, are high in purine.
Apart from these, other market foods when used in excess for a long time, the health starts to deteriorate, especially if walking is not a regular exercise or sports, then the situation becomes worse.
Less consumption of water is also a cause of this disease, thus, more consumption of cold drinks is very harmful.
As I have already mentioned that the main reason for the increase of uric acid is convenience and consumption of street foods.
Unhealthy Life style
If we look at our routine life, we are generally prone to convenience, even if the distance is short, most people do not walk, they use motorbikes and cars instead of bicycle,Although cycling can be a means of preventing many diseases.Women also don't work as hard as they used to in housework. Excessive use of mobile phones seems to be making life easier, but it is damaging physical health.Remember, when you are over 40 years of age, it is important to make major changes in your diet and other aspects of life.Other causes include eating too much meat, stress, chronic diseases, obesity and poor kidney function.
Purine is also formed by the breakdown of cells in our body. It is normal to have uric acid in the blood, but if its level starts to be high, it can raise blood pressure and cause type 2 diabetes.
Things to do
Take clean water according to the season. Drink at least six to seven glasses of water daily Use lemons, grapefruit, vinegar, celery, broccoli, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, bananas, grapes, melons, watermelons, pomegranates, and other fresh vegetables and salads.
Women and men who are obese should pay more attention to losing weight. If the pain increases by sitting and walking, understand that more uric acid is accumulating in the body.
Therefore, along with being cautious in the atmosphere, we should improve our lifestyle.
Uric acid goes undetected at first. Joints and internal organs are damaged. Fingers, knees, and joints experience redness, pain, and painful swelling.
Ignoring uric acid for too long can be dangerous
Homeopathic medicine for uric acid
Now we come to homeopathic medicines which are mostly used in this disease.
It is useful in patients suffering from dysentery and colic pains.Also, touching and moving the affected parts increases the pain.
Berberis vulgaris:
Abdominal and scrotal pains are accompanied by difficulty urinating. Pains radiate from a center to all sides. This medicine also improves kidney function.
All symptoms of this drug are aggravated by motion Arthralgia s are worse by touch and motion like ckalchicum.there is more dryness and thirst in bryonia There are stabbing pains in the joints.
Urticaria Uranus :
Is beneficial in hyperuricemia, sometimes without symptoms. if secreted along with uric acid, it corrects both.
Led um :
Swelling and dullness of the joints read from the bottom up. The pains are worse at night and from the warmth of the bed.
Symptoms start on the right side and move to the left side An excess of rheumatism and renal problems and symptoms occurring between 4 pm and 8 pm are sufficient for the selection of Lycopodium.
I hope this blog post of mine on uric acid will be useful and informative for people and the homeopathic remedies for uric acid that I have mentioned in my blog. It will increase your knowledge about homeopathic medicines.