Friday, September 1, 2023

Belladonna,s basic sign

 Belladonna main symptoms

Irritation, inflammatory rash, Delirium and inflammatory tetanus are Belladonna's main features and calcaria carb is complimentary medicine of Belladonna.

*   It's symptoms start suddenly and end suddenly. 

*   The intensity of fever and other symptoms is it's characteristics.

*   It is closely related the blood,heart,lungs and brain especially to the vascular system and nervous system.

*   Dilated pupils, intolerance of the sun to the eyes,severe fatigue,hot head, tremors during sleep, violent pain in the forehead and temples and red fever.

*   Severe delirium in the glands of the neck and the close connection with the round tissues is the characteristics of Belladonna.

*   Fits of laughter.

*    Hearing power is increases and riotous dreams and illusion prominent.

*   We can remember Belladonna from the word ... BIRDS .... as

B for Burning 

I for  Inflammation

R for Redness

D for Delirium

S for spasm 

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